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June 22nd, 2011

It's an honor to be a bridesmaid in someone's wedding but first you need to know what this job will entail. Your role may include: dress shopping with the bride, advice on decorations and flowers, accompanying the bride to register for wedding gifts, helping with the seating chart, and the finally.. the Bachelorette Party!

If you're feeling lost as to how to be a good bridesmaid here are 8 tips to help you out!

  1. Make sure the bride knows how honored and privileged you feel to have been chosen to be in her wedding. She'll appreciate your excitement.
  2. Offer your help to the bride and whoever else needs it whenever necessary.
  3. It's always nice to throw your bride a wedding shower! Get the maid of honor and the other bridesmaids involved it's sure to be a fun time.
  4. Make sure your bridesmaid dress fits in with the rest of the wedding. Even if it's not your favorite color or material, keep it to yourself. It's also your job to pay for your own dress and shoes.
  5. Contribute to the bridesmaid gift, in addition to your own gift.
  6. You never know what could go wrong on the wedding today, so it's nice to make your bride an emergency wedding kit. It could include: bobby pins, safety pins, hair spray, hair dryer, and anything else you think the bride will need!
  7. Mingling always helps make the guests so they more feel comfortable!
  8. If you have a chance make a toast to the newlyweds either alone or with another bridesmaid.

For more information check out

Jewellery wise, make sure that whatever you chose compliments your dress and doesn't take away from the bride's! If you're looking for jewellery make sure to check out TACORI!